In 2018, I joined IBM iX in London as a UX Design Consultant Intern. I worked there for 13 incredible months and had the opportunity to learn, grow, tackle real UX problems, and work with multiple world famous clients.

Here are some highlight snippets of some things I did there.

Lloyds of London

I worked alongside a visual designer and built and presented paper prototypes, sketch wireframes, final visuals, and interactive prototypes, evolving them based on feedback and changing requirements. I found ways to improve efficiency, and therefore turnaround time, helping IBM win the £50m RFP.

The demo was met with very positive reactions, and I was asked to copy and rebrand it twice, for general IBM distribution and for part of the offering in a deal with a forecasted TCV of over $1bn.

Coca Cola

Coca Cola European Partners were in the process of unifying their many websites into a consistent, uniform experience. The team was looking at several journeys, such as the job application process. I was brought on to conduct usability audits on the various websites, and provide suggestions on potential UX patterns to use for any issues or improvements.

Internal Role Allocation Web App

Worked on an initiative to build a tool to aid resource allocation, for which I designed and developed a proof of concept web app to present to the Senior Leadership Team. It received great feedback from them, and was taken forward for further development and testing.

"He was able to translate loose requirements into a tangible working prototype in a short space of time with great success."

IBM iX Industrial Sector Lead

Building an AR iX Island

For my 12 month presentation I decided to design, build, and demo an interactive AR island in the shape of the iX logo. Each square represented different things that I had done or goals I had met over the year, such as Mentor Mountain in the top left, which referred to a goal I had at the beginning of the year to act as a mentor to other people.

I viewed this as an opportunity to learn something new, as I had never really touched AR or Cinema 4D before. I therefore had to push myself to become sufficiently skilled at both within the very short two week timeframe that I had.

Liverpool FC

Cognitive Enterprise

IBM iX holds a large summer event celebrating recent achievements and events. This year's focus was cognitive enterprise, and I was asked to produce some visuals for it. The team had settled on a neon theme, and I designed letters, deck slides, and signage, as well as producing animated videos, including the ones shown below.

Part of the event was a talk and demo about cognitive enterprise, with an associated set of presentation pieces. The design team spent the day working on booklets, posters, and a website. I helped work on the design of the website and produced the interactive prototype:

Interviewing Adam Cutler

I was fortunate enough to be chosen to interview Adam Cutler, IBM Distinguished Designer for Artificial Intelligence, for a segment of the iX European newsletter, and it gave me the wonderful chance to seek advice from and pick the brains of one of the leading Designers for AI, a subfield that I am heavily interested in.